Browsing Aids

SymbalooSymbaloo gives you a nicely designed and easy to use startpage for the web. It’s like a favorites bar on your browser but nicer. It holds your favorite sites as well as a number of useful web tools. [ViewCheck out, Create Your Own Virtual Learning Environment Using SymbalooEDU.iGoogleGet yourself a custom online startpage from Google. Your startpage can have everything from latest articles from your favorite websites to weather reports, stocks, games, daily jokes, calendar and lots of other cool widgets. [View]

Google TranslateBy far the best online transaltion tool. Allows you to translate text or webpages while you browse them. [View]

DiigoThe only bookmarking tool you will ever need. Easily bookmark and organize webpages, highlights, notes, screenshots etc. Access your bookmarks from anywhere. [View] See 7 reasons Diigo tastes better than

JustPaste.ItSimple online clipboard. Copy and paste any piece of text and instantly get a private web link to share that text with friends. Supports text styling and images. [View]

InstapaperAwesome tool that allows you to save interesting pages or articles you come across online for later reading. You may then read those articles at home, or during commute on your mobile.[View]Check out: Manage your bookmarks and reading list with Instapaper.

StumbleUponStumbleupon shows you cool stuff discovered by people like you. You select topics that you find interesting and start stumbling: every click on the Stumble button takes you to some interesting site, photo or video. Pretty cool. [View]
TinyURLCreate a tiny URL for long links that are too long to be included in the emails or elsewhere. TinyURL can create a short link for any page you are currently at. [View]

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